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Private singing lessons
Group singing lessons (Available for Children & Adults)
Can you start to learn singing at any age?
If you have a passion for singing and music, can carry a tune, and can focus for at least 30 minutes, then we believe yes. There is so much to think about while you sing. Whether you’re 6 or 66, The Singing Rooms approach to applying specific vocal concepts and tools is done in such a way that is not intimidating and easy to grasp.
What should I bring to my lesson?
- A Recording device
- Folder (clear sleeved)
- Song suggestions
- Water
Will I get to showcase my progress?
Yes. There will be an opportunity for you to perform what you have been working on throughout your lessons to your family and friends. These showcases are to help you gain confidence & experience in front of an audience. It is not compulsory, particularly for beginners, but it is recommended beginners come along & simply watch from the audience. We promise you will be inspired to stand up & sing! Most students perform, love it and can’t wait to do it again!
How do I book a lesson?
Go to the Contact page to either email or phone to discuss any enquiries you may have. Click here.
What kind of technique will I be learning?
The style of singing technique is based on the philosophies of “Speech Level Singing”. It is being able to sing through your entire vocal range from your lowest notes to your highest notes with one smooth and connected tone. Regular quality practice of your warm ups and your chosen song will greatly improve your vocal development and smooth out any breaks in your range.